Employment Lawyers

When Should I Speak to Employment Lawyers?

Employment lawyers can be useful for employers and employees alike. They can be used to resolve workplace disputes, to help ensure you’re protected from lawsuits and other legal issues, and to make sure that you’re following the necessary employment laws.

However, employment law is a notoriously complex subject, and it can be difficult to know when to consult an employment lawyer. In the rest of this article, we’ve looked at a few common situations requiring one from the point of view of both the employer and the employee.

When Should I Speak to an Employment Lawyer as an Employer?

Hiring a good employment lawyer can help you resolve various labour issues and other workplace disputes. In many cases, they will also be able to help you review contracts and other agreements to ensure they are correctly written and legally binding. Some common situations requiring the services of an employment lawyer when you’re the employer include:

  • When you need to be represented during a collective bargaining agreement or other legal dispute.
  • If an employee or contractor has filed a discrimination or harassment case.
  • If you need to fire or lay off employees but aren’t sure if their contracts allow you to.
  • To ensure your contracts and other workplace agreements are watertight and legally binding.

In general, employment law tends to favour the employee. Because of this, it’s a good idea to get a decent employment lawyer on your team to ensure you’re doing things by the book.

When Should I Speak to an Employment Lawyer as an Employee?

There are also numerous occasions when employment lawyers could help you as an employee. Some of the most common situations include:

  • If you believe that you’ve been unfairly or wrongly dismissed or fired.
  • If you feel your employment contract needs reviewing before you sign it.
  • When you want to make a sexual harassment, bullying, or discrimination claim.
  • If you believe that there are other workplace issues that need dealing with.
